Sunday, March 23, 2014

One, two, skip a few..

I got a liiitle bit sidetracked and stopped posting my pregnancy updates, or anything else for that matter. I planned on taking pregnancy photos in the same outfit, same place, etc. throughout my pregnancy with the intentions of putting them together and making a cool .gif video at the end. Oh well, I have paved roads to all sorts of places with my intentions, and need to learn to just to get comfortable with ditching 'go big or go home' and just going with what I got.

I want to do one last pregnancy post just for my own personal reference.

34 Weeks

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Not exactly sure, I just stopped getting on the scale! Oh, and going to the midwives? I pretty much stopped that too. I was just feeling like things were going well, I was getting weekly ultrasounds, and I was just waiting for baby girl so what was the point? I think I ended up around 13lbs gained. Definitely in the 10-15 range.
Maternity clothes? I managed to make it through to the end without maternity clothes. Thank you very much to tunics/ loose tops, leggings and the belly band, and of course the ole white jeans. By the time winter rolled around, they had been worn so often the white had turned to winter white, and I rocked them to the end!
Sleep: At about 35 weeks, work started getting pretty busy (as it does for a  tax accountant at the beginning of tax season) and I really had trouble shutting my brain off and sleeping at night. The Dr. said at that point it was probably best to go ahead and put the nix on work until after baby. Sleep got much better after that!
Miss Anything? I can't say that I missed anything too much while pregnant. When my mind was more at ease, I may have had to look in the mirror to remember I was pregnant. I didn't feel uncomfortable, I didn't need to dress differently, it didn't really keep me from doing anything, and my eating habits didn't change at all. In most respects, it was a very easy pregnancy.
Movement: This little lady was a mover and a shaker, and I am so glad she was! With my early pregnancy concerns, it was very relieving to feel her move so often. I also feel like she was teaching me to have a little faith when I would get worked up about not feeling her move that day, I just needed to be patient and shortly thereafter she would practice her jujitsu moves. Towards the end, she got frequent hiccups, as in sometimes 3 times a day. I just love feeling those little hiccups!
Food cravings: It was smooth sailing after my first trimester baked potato cravings.
Anything making you queasy or sick: no- Fortunately I managed to evade any nausea, etc. throughout this pregnancy!
Have you started to show yet: I was obviously pregnant towards the end, but I don't think I looked like I was ready to pop. It is funny, the week I delivered two people said I looked only 6-7 months pregnant when I told them I was due any day. I just remember that because it struck me them both saying the same thing.
Gender prediction: Somewhere along the way we found out we were having a girl. By somewhere I mean about the 4th ultrasound that we tried to find out the sex. This little lady just marches to the beat of her own drum. And although there is still quite a bit of blue, there is certainly no shortage of pink around here.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I distinctly remember the time where the Dr. told me that she was big enough that if anything happened, they would take her and she would have a good chance of going home with us. One deep breath and I exhaled maybe 85% of my anxiety at that point. From then on I felt much calmer, cool, and collected.
Looking forward to: Towards the end, I think things were getting a little surreal and about the last month, I was completely in chill mode. It was then I remember thinking to myself, "I think we really might have a take home baby this time." Let me tell you, that is a crazy feeling.  I kicked it into high gear getting ready for her (i.e. shopping) and was excited for her to come. At the same time, I always heard they are easier to take care of in than out and I wasn't uncomfortable at all, so I was fine with her staying put for a little while.  Sohail and I took lots of nice walks, enjoyed some nice weekends with friends, and went to the movies (after a brain storm about what we might miss, we decided to take a trip to the theatre). Basically, I spent the last month of this pregnancy just loving thinking about my baby, being pregnant, and generally enjoying life.
High level recap-
* Throughout this pregnancy I was seeing a Dr. who specializes in high risk pregnancies and a midwife group for routine care, and gave myself daily injections of an anticoagulant in the stomach. I saw someone every two weeks, alternating between the Dr. and midwives. That was great to hear little one's heartbeat so frequently.
* It took I think on ultrasounds of us really looking, we found out we were having a girl. Keeping with the theme of doing her own thing, early on she decided she was comfy head up, but down, and legs straight up (frank breech), and that is where she stayed. That is a whole other discussion!
* This was the hardest easiest pregnancy imaginable. I got pregnant very easily and had a great pregnancy with no complications, with plenty of tears and worry. The hardest part of this pregnancy was in my head- a beast that is no joke to wrestle with.

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