I'm obviously a little late to the game, but ces't la vie...
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight
gain/loss: 0 lbs. At some point I think I went down an few lbs, but now I am pretty much holding steady where I started. That's obviously just fine with me as long as baby gets what it needs.
Maternity clothes? It's been a couple of weeks since I was able to wear any work pants (maybe about 13 weeks?). I'll be donning dresses to the sweatshop from here on. I have two pair of pants that I can still manage, with assistance of some very fancy pony tail holder button hole rigging. Every weekend I say I am going to go get some maternity jeans, and then every weekend I decide to try and wait another week. What sense does it make? None. I know. I can't explain the unexplainable.
Sleep: Sleeping great, until that early morning need to empty the ole bladder, after which I lie in bed trying without avail to will myself back to sleep. And that is on days that I can breathe through my nose. Clearly I have an opportunity for a little bit of improvement in this area.
Best moment this
week: We went to Lake Lanier yesterday, and that was pretty fun. I really love doing little impromptu stuff like that with my man!
Have you told family and
friends: Yep, I think most. I was feeling especially bumpalicious this week at work and told HR.
Miss Anything? Not too much. Hmm, maybe having the urge to clean house a little more frequently. Oh wait, is that baby related?
Movement: I'm pretty sure I felt some fluttering this am. It was in the daily post bladder void, lying in bed period when I am trying to think of nothing and everything. Could have been figment of my imagination?
cravings: Fruits & sweets, and nothing like a baked potato!
Anything making
you queasy or sick: no
Have you started to show yet: I can definitely tell and have a good bump, but then some other areas "are HUUGE" so I think my stomach may still not be the most prominent protrusion. I definitely don't think I can hide it much longer though, and I don't why I think I need to. Just do.
Gender prediction: Sohail says girl - we should find out in Wednesday. I didn't think I had a prediction, but girls can wear blue, right? With a hair bow?
Happy or Moody most of
the time: Happy, although my better-half may disagree. This is definitely food dependent.
Looking forward to: Ultrasound this week- first and foremost making sure babies growth is on track. Finding out gender would be a super scrumptous cherry on top.
Can't wait to borrow this questionnaire. This makes me so happy for you, m'dear. :)